I am a Year 5 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 5 and my Teacher is Mrs Drummond.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
School holiday!
In the school holidays my parents and my cousins had plans we were first going to Matakana for one day and then sand spit. All we did at Matakana was going on my cousin James Nintendo switch and play on my iPad and when I was at sandspit holiday park I was excited. With my cousins we made a pool made out of the sand. First we had to dig a hole, secondly we had to make and form the walls and then we had to put the water in. We also went kayaking but when I was with my sister she pushed me into the water when I was going the kayak then I walked back to the shore because I didn't want to get pushed into the water again. On our last day, the water disappeared into the sand! I was shocked so me and my cousins couldn't swim so went on the trampoline and did a wrestling competition I was the referee and Peter won with 3 nil. I hope the next school holiday is gonna be fun.

Thursday, September 5, 2019
Speech Finals
In Term 3 Week 7 It was the speech finals. Three people out of each grade went into the speech finals the year sixes from our class is Souen and Liam TP. Souen's topic is "a toilet can save your life" and Liams was "Why the English language is stupid" but out of all the year sixes Mia G won with her speech topic which is the whole speech finals and going to perform her speech at another school.
Room 5 Assembly
In Term 3 Week 5 We did our Assembly we did it about Stereotypes. Stereotypes are something that people image you based on what you look like e.g "Hey why is that girl playing basketball and basketball is only for only boys. Also, girls are bad at basketball. When it was the value ticket draw I won and got a prize. It is called the animal guessing game.
Next assembly is going to awesome!
Friday, August 30, 2019
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Marae Trip
In Term 3 Week 6 we went to a Marae. When we were we sang a welcoming prayer. The people at the Marae told us Maori legends. We also ate morning tea. and when we were about to leave t the Marae, the year 5 and 6 boys performed the haka. I hope next time it going to be fantastic
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Cook Island Week!
In Term 3 Week 3 it was Cook island week! on cook island week we did activities that are related to cook island culture. the first activity we had to read about ina and the shark and we had put the facts onto the sheet we where it said to summarise the story in your own. the second sheet we had to put facts like whats the currency called in cook island and whats the largest town and I put the capital city which is Avarua District. The last activity was another sheet-like the first sheet but you didn't need to read another sheet. I hope next week is going to be Exciting
Thursday, August 8, 2019
In Term 3 Week 2 We did some activities about Digital technology, Cartooning and Yoga
and its called Pumanawa. We had to pick 5 choices and you had to choose 3 of them your first choice is the one you really want. The second choice is you second favourite if you didn't go in number 1 and finally your 3 which is your 3rd favourite out of the 5 choices.
I picked Digital Technology in Digital Technology we made stop motion videos. We had to go in groups of 3 or 2 and i went with Justin and Dean. Our First stop motion was batman walking op to a door and he kicks it open and the door breaks and the door flew of and squished somebody.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Monday, July 1, 2019
Egg Sitting
Term 2 week 9 we egg sit eggs we had to do it for a week. my egg name was little bud i created a house with bubble wrap so then it wont brake. In the first day 3 people cracked their egg
on friday we all destoryed our eggs...
on friday we all destoryed our eggs...
Friday, June 14, 2019
Water Fliter!
On Friday a person from water care came over to teach us about the water cycle! she tought us how the filter the water and the best way to filter it. We had to try ways to make clean water the items was sand, bark, cotton ball's and paper.
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Science In a Van
At school two people came to good shepherd to teach us about science.
it was awesome! they created clouds and thought some of the periodic table .
Thursday, May 23, 2019
ANZAC Brochures
2 Week's ago we created brochures about ANZAC. We each picked a buddy to do our brochures and got a item to discover the story of the item. For my buddy i picked Justin then a item which was called. The Son of Moray Place
Thursday, May 9, 2019
In prodigy i got all the keystones it was pretty hard and stressful. For the grass quest i had to wake up the general and defeat it, then in the ice cave i had to get rid of the ice worm. So it can stop eat ting the crystals, in the cloud i had to defeat the angry cloud's .So then they would stop to trap the weather generator, in the volcano. We had to bring the the soup and we had to bring it to the queen but you first have to stop the chef from cooking to his soup for the queen. And lastly we had in shipwreck shore we had to clear all the ink and we had to defeat the boss who was in the boat. the water
Growth Midset BRAIN
When we were learning about growth mindset we created a brain which we had to put in strategies how we can become smarter and then we had to colour it in.
and where it said what is your strategies that i think that i can reach my goal.
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Tabloid Sports
When it was st Joseph feast day we did games to celebrate St Joseph feast day! It was called tabloid sports we went around and did games there was a game called Indians and cowboys, sharks, three corners, stuck in the mud and octopus. my favourite was sharks in the game we had two sharks covered in a blanket we had to put our feet in and the sharks try to grab us then if we get dragged under the blanket your a shark their are also life guards that can save you from sharks.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Reading Posters
When it was reading time we created posters about animals we had to write down our facts about their diet, habitat, are the endangred? and what the look like. my animal was a puma and one of my facts was pumas agile spine makes it easeier for them to hunt
On Tuesday 26th of March we created poems on the poem we put the anagram of the object on the top then the next five lines you describe the object then at the bottom you have to put the name of the object. You get to choose which object to make a poem of. I did a dinosaur and in the afternoon the teacher sent it to schools so then they can read our poems.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Maths Bar Graph
When we were doing maths me, Justin and Leo created a bar graph. A bar graph is someting that tells you who liked somehing more.
Friday, March 15, 2019
In February we created mantras which mean inspirational quotes to keep on going and never give up! My inspirational quote was "Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear".
after two days we put three questions on paper, then we had to ask somebody and record their messages of what they felt or did when they did a mistake. Here is our wall of mantras,
after two days we put three questions on paper, then we had to ask somebody and record their messages of what they felt or did when they did a mistake. Here is our wall of mantras,
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Ash Wednesday
On Ash Wednesday we begin Lent which is preparing for Easter when Jesus was on the cross and then rose from the dead!
We also made a promise for forty days because Jesus was in the desert for forty days and during mass we got ashes on our forehead.
We also made a promise for forty days because Jesus was in the desert for forty days and during mass we got ashes on our forehead.
Friday, March 1, 2019
Sun Smart Posters
Sun Smart Posters
Sun Smart posters are posters that tell you facts about how to be sun smart. One of them was the ozone layer on New Zealand got destroyed because people were spraying too many things, so then that destroyed the ozone layer
When we were learning about moari we did a pepeha it tells you where which mountain and a river, where you are born and where your parent are from and your mum and dads name.
My pepeha is the purple one on the top
Swimming Sports
🏊Swimming Sports🏊
Yesterday we had the Connolly swimming sports we had to choose if we had to pick non competitive and competitive. Non competitive is where you do 25 m backstroke, freestyle and breaststroke
non competitive is where you can choose to do water walk, dolphin dive and freestyle there was also house team race the teams are Cowley, Blake, Hillary and shepherd.
the best part was when the teams was versing against each other who would win the water relays next next year is going to be exciting 😃
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
In my third week of school we played prodigy. Its a game were you solve math questions to attack the other enemy its a bit like pokemon,

you can get wands and other stuff in the merchant shop. But you need copper coins to buy stuff at the merchant shop, also you can verse other people, you can play school or home school is when the teacher has to create a class and then your students are able to see each other. When you press home it will say to choose a realm, if you choose a realm other people will be there if they choose the same realm. Also you have to get all the keystones if you get all of them you finish the game there are 5 types of keystones there is a ice keystone, fire, eclispe, water and light.
Room 5 puzzle week 3
Room 5 puzzle week 3
In my third week in Room 5 we did a room five puzzle! It's a puzzle piece. You have to put your favourite animal, food and sport on a puzzle piece. For mine i did a snake for my favouite animal, an ice cream for my food and a soccer ball for my favourite sport.
Next week is going to be fun!! 😃
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